Deep-Sea-Tooth is a held item in the Pokémon series, specifically designed to enhance certain aspects of the Pokémon Clamperl. When a Clamperl holds the Deep-Sea-Tooth, its Special Attack stat is doubled, significantly boosting its offensive capabilities in battle. This makes Clamperl an unexpectedly powerful Special Attacker, allowing it to deal considerable damage with moves that rely on its Special Attack stat.
Another crucial aspect of the Deep-Sea-Tooth is its role in Pokémon evolution. When traded while holding the Deep-Sea-Tooth, Clamperl evolves into Huntail, a Water-type Pokémon known for its solid Attack stat and unique abilities. This evolution method provides players with strategic options on how they wish to develop their Clamperl based on their play style and team composition.
Interesting facts about the Deep-Sea-Tooth include: