Mental Herb is a held item in the Pokémon series that is primarily used to combat status conditions that limit a Pokémon's actions. Specifically, when a Pokémon holding a Mental Herb is afflicted by infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, or Disable, the herb is consumed to immediately cure the Pokémon of the condition. This makes Mental Herb particularly useful in competitive play to ensure that a Pokémon's strategy is not disrupted by these particular hindrances.
Some strategic applications of the Mental Herb include: - Preventing Taunt: Taunt forces a Pokémon to use only offensive moves, which can shut down supports or setup Pokémon. Mental Herb nullifies the Taunt, allowing the holder to continue with its non-offensive strategies. - Negating Encore: Encore forces a Pokémon to repeat its last move for several turns, which can lock it into a non-optimal move. Mental Herb releases the holder from this effect, allowing it to regain strategic control. - **Counter