Occa Berry is a held item in the Pokémon series that provides a tactical advantage in battle by mitigating damage from super-effective Fire-type attacks. When a Pokémon holding an Occa Berry is hit by a Fire-type move, the damage is reduced by 50%. This can be strategically useful for Pokémon with type disadvantages against Fire, such as Steel, Bug, or Grass-types, allowing them to endure an otherwise potent attack.
An interesting fact about the Occa Berry is that its utility shines in competitive play, particularly in formats like VGC (Video Game Championships) where prediction and counterplay are crucial. By holding an Occa Berry, Pokémon such as Ferrothorn, Scizor, or Kartana can survive an unexpected Fire-type move and potentially retaliate or set up for future turns.
The Occa Berry, like other damage-reducing berries, is single-use, meaning it will be consumed after activating. This necessitates careful consideration of when and how it will be used within
Created by None for the Stellar Crown set.