Lum Berry is a versatile held item in the Pokémon series that serves as a one-time-use status condition restorative. When a Pokémon holding a Lum Berry is afflicted by a status condition—such as paralysis, sleep, burn, freeze, poison, or confusion—the Lum Berry is consumed and cures the Pokémon of its status ailment immediately. This utility makes it a popular choice in competitive play for Pokémon that need to avoid being crippled by status effects.
Effects: - When held by a Pokémon, the Lum Berry is consumed automatically to cure the holder of any status condition it may suffer during battle. - The Lum Berry works only once per battle, providing a single-use instant recovery from status ailments.
Interesting Facts: - Strategic Use: Due to its ability to cure any status condition, it is strategically used on Pokémon that are at high risk of being afflicted by debilitating status moves, such as RestTalk sets or Pokémon that are central to a battle strategy and must stay healthy
Created by Kazuo Yazawa for the Emerald set.
Created by Kazuo Yazawa for the Ruby & Sapphire set.
Created by Yoshinobu Saito for the Sword & Shield set.