
Wonder Guard is a unique and powerful ability in the Pokémon series that provides an extraordinary level of protection to its bearer. Pokémon with Wonder Guard are only affected by super-effective moves; all other attacks will have no effect on them. This means that if a move is not super-effective, it automatically does zero damage, making the Pokémon with this ability incredibly durable in battle under the right conditions.

The most well-known Pokémon with Wonder Guard is Shedinja. Shedinja is unique in that it has only 1 HP, so while Wonder Guard provides significant protection, any super-effective move, weather effects, status moves (like poison or burn), entry hazards (like Stealth Rock), and certain abilities (like Mold Breaker) can still knock it out instantly. This makes strategic gameplay crucial for maximizing the potential of Shedinja.

Additional interesting facts about Wonder Guard include:

  1. Immunity to Indirect Damage: In addition to direct attacks, indirect forms of damage such as Hail, Sand


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Wonder-Guard ability


292 - Bug, Ghost