
Wind Rider is an ability introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet associated with certain Pokémon in the franchise. This ability provides a unique tactical advantage in battles. Specifically, Wind Rider increases the Attack stat by one stage each time the Pokémon is hit by a wind move. This includes moves like Tailwind, Hurricane, and Air Slash, amongst others.

In addition to this stat boost, Wind Rider also grants the Pokémon complete immunity to those wind-based moves, meaning it takes no damage from them. This dual benefit—attack enhancement and immunity—makes Wind Rider a powerful tool in strategizing battle plans, particularly against opponents that heavily rely on wind-type moves.

Interestingly, the Wind Rider ability can be strategically utilized in double battles. For instance, a player could use a partner Pokémon with a wind move to intentionally trigger Wind Rider, bolstering the Wind Rider Pokémon's offensive capabilities without the risk of friendly fire damage.

Furthermore, Pokémon with Wind Rider can become particularly formidable in certain weather conditions or competitive formats where


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Wind-Rider ability


275 - Grass, Dark


946 - Grass, Ghost


947 - Grass, Ghost