
Triage is a unique ability within the Pokémon series, introduced in Generation VII. This ability provides a strategic advantage by granting priority to all healing moves used by the Pokémon with this ability. Essentially, any move that involves healing—such as Recovery, Drain Punch, Leech Life, or any move that restores the Pokémon's HP—will automatically gain a +3 priority. This means that these healing moves will almost always go first in a turn, regardless of the Pokémon's Speed stat or the priority of the opponent's moves, unless the opponent is also using a higher-priority move.


  1. Priority Increase: Healing moves are executed with a +3 priority, allowing the Pokémon to often heal before taking damage from the opponent's attacks.
  2. Strategic Advantage: Provides an immense tactical edge, especially in tight battles where healing first can mean the difference between winning and losing.

Pokémon Known to Have Triage:

  • Comfey: This


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Triage ability


764 - Fairy