
Sword of Ruin is an ability introduced in the Pokémon series, specifically associated with the Legendary Pokémon Chien-Pao from the Paldea region in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This unique ability has a significant impact on the battlefield by reducing the Defense stat of all other Pokémon on the field by 25% (or multiplying it by a factor of 0.75). The reduction in Defense makes opponents more vulnerable to physical attacks, effectively enhancing the damage potential of physically offensive Pokémon.

Effects of Sword of Ruin: 1. Defense Reduction: Lowers the Defense stat of all other active Pokémon by 25%, making them take more damage from physical moves. 2. Global Impact: The effect applies to both allies and opponents, which means strategic consideration must be taken when using this ability in doubles or multi-battles.

Interesting Facts: 1. Exclusive Ability: As of the time of its introduction, Sword of Ruin is unique to Chien-Pao,


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Sword-Of-Ruin ability


1002 - Dark, Ice