
Sponge is an ability primarily found in the Pokémon games and is specific to a small number of aquatic or sponge-like Pokémon. This ability is highly effective in battles, enhancing the survivability of Pokémon that possess it.

Effects: - Damage Reduction: The primary effect of Sponge is to reduce damage taken from Water-type moves. When a Pokémon with the Sponge ability is targeted by a Water-type move, the damage is significantly decreased, typically by 50%. This makes Sponge particularly advantageous for Pokémon that are weak to Water-type attacks or encounter Water-type opponents frequently. - HP Restoration: In some versions of the ability, Sponge can also absorb the Water-type move to heal the user, converting a percentage of the damage into restored health. This would function similarly to the ability Water Absorb but with unique properties that fit the concept of a sponge soaking up water.

Interesting Facts: - Strategic Advantage: Sponge can dramatically alter the dynamics of a battle,


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Sponge ability
