
Shadow-Dash is a spectral ability possessed primarily by Ghost-type and Dark-type Pokémon. This ability allows a Pokémon to momentarily become intangible, phasing through attacks and obstacles. When Shadow-Dash is activated in battle, the user can evade physical attacks for a single turn while also gaining a significant speed boost, allowing them to potentially outpace their opponent in the subsequent turn.

Key effects of Shadow-Dash include: 1. Intangibility: Grants temporary immunity to physical attacks for one turn, making the user impervious to any harm from such moves during that period. 2. Speed Boost: Provides a substantial increase in the user’s Speed stat for the following turn, which can be critical for positioning and strategic maneuvers. 3. Escape Utility: Outside of battle, Shadow-Dash can be used to pass through barriers and evade encounters with wild Pokémon, similar to the effects of moves like Teleport or moves that prevent being trapped in battle.

Interesting facts


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Shadow-Dash ability
