
Perception is a skill that sharpens the user's awareness and sensory capabilities, often allowing them to notice subtle details and changes in their environment. This keen sense can manifest in various ways, including enhanced sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Such heightened senses can lead to improved reaction times, better decision-making in high-pressure situations, and the ability to detect hidden or camouflaged objects and individuals.

Effects and interesting facts about Perception: - Enhanced Sight: The user can see farther, discern finer details, and detect movement more easily. This is beneficial in tasks requiring keen observation and can grant an advantage in both combat and navigation. - Improved Hearing: The user can hear sounds at a greater distance and with more clarity, making it possible to detect approaching threats or eavesdrop on distant conversations. - Acute Sense of Smell: The user can detect and identify scents with high precision. This can be advantageous in tracking or identifying substances. - Heightened Taste and Touch


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Perception ability
