
Parry is an ability that enables a Pokémon to occasionally negate an incoming physical attack, reducing the damage to zero as if the attack missed. This defensive maneuver provides a significant strategic advantage, particularly in battles against opponents reliant on powerful physical moves. The activation of Parry is not guaranteed and typically occurs based on a percentage chance, which varies depending on the specific game or rule set.


  1. Negation of Damage: When Parry activates, the targeted physical attack misses, and the Pokémon with Parry takes no damage.
  2. Stat Boost: In certain game iterations, successfully parrying an attack may also provide a temporary boost to the Pokémon's Defense or Evasion statistic.
  3. Compatibility: Parry is usually found on Fighting-type or agile Pokémon, adding to their thematic consistency of skillful dodging and counter-attacking.

Interesting Facts:

  • Hidden Ability: In some instances, Parry may serve as a Hidden Ability,


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Parry ability
