
Parental Bond is a unique ability primarily associated with the Pokémon Kangaskhan's Mega Evolution, known as Mega Kangaskhan. Introduced in Generation VI (Pokémon X and Y), Parental Bond allows the user to hit twice in one turn with many of its offensive moves. The first attack deals its normal damage, while the second attack follows immediately after, dealing a smaller portion of the original move's damage. This secondary hit was originally 50% of the first attack's damage in Generation VI but was reduced to 25% in Generation VII (Pokémon Sun and Moon) and onward.

Effects: 1. Double Strikes: When Mega Kangaskhan uses a move, it hits twice. The first hit does full damage, and the second hit follows with reduced damage. 2. Move Benefits: Moves that inflict additional effects (such as status conditions) or those that benefit from multiple strikes gain enhanced utility. For example, moves like Power


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Parental-Bond ability


10039 - Normal