
Normalize is a unique ability in the Pokémon series that alters the gameplay mechanics of any Pokémon possessing it. When a Pokémon with the Normalize ability uses a move, that move's type is changed to Normal, regardless of the original type of the move. This applies to all moves, including offensive, status, and support moves. As a result, every move the Pokémon uses can take advantage of the type-matching bonus referred to as the same-type attack bonus (STAB), which boosts the power of moves that match the user's type.

Effects of Normalize:

  1. Move Type Conversion: All the Pokémon's moves become Normal-type, allowing for increased damage output due to STAB if the Pokémon itself is a Normal-type.
  2. Interaction with Immunities and Resistances: Given that Ghost-types are immune to Normal-type moves, this ability can be a significant disadvantage when facing Ghost-type opponents, as it renders all moves ineffective against them.
  3. No Super Effective Hits: Since


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Normalize ability


300 - Normal


301 - Normal