
Nomad is an ability featured in various fantasy and role-playing games, providing unique benefits centered around movement, adaptability, and survival. The specifics of the ability can vary across different game universes, but there are several common themes and effects associated with Nomad:

  1. Enhanced Mobility: Characters with the Nomad ability often receive bonuses to their movement speed. This increased mobility allows them to traverse difficult terrain more easily, escape from dire situations, and explore vast regions without becoming fatigued.

  2. Survival Skills: Nomads are typically adept at surviving harsh environments. This might translate into in-game mechanics such as reduced environmental damage, increased resistance to extreme weather conditions, and the ability to find food and water more easily in the wild.

  3. Tracking and Navigation: Characters with this ability often possess superior tracking skills and can navigate through wilderness areas with greater ease. This could involve bonuses to tracking rolls, faster travel times overland, and reduced chances of getting lost


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Nomad ability
