
Multiscale is an ability in the Pokémon series notable for its defensive utility. When a Pokémon with Multiscale is at full health, any damage it takes from attacks is halved. This mechanism provides the Pokémon with greater durability, enabling it to withstand hits that would otherwise pose significant threats.

The most famous Pokémon with this ability is Dragonite, typically known for its balanced stats and versatile moveset. Lugia, another Pokémon with Multiscale, benefits from increased survivability, making it even more formidable given its legendary status and already impressive defenses.

Multiscale is especially effective when paired with strategies that keep the Pokémon at full health, such as the moves Roost or Recover, or the held item Leftovers which restores health gradually. This ability can significantly impact battles, particularly in competitive play, where reducing incoming damage can be the difference between winning or losing a crucial encounter.

Key points about Multiscale include: - Damage Reduction: The ability halves the damage taken from


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Pokémon with the Multiscale ability


149 - Dragon, Flying


249 - Psychic, Flying