
Mood-Maker is an ability that makes its mark in the Pokémon series by creating an advantageous battle environment right from the start. This ability triggers the instant the Pokémon with Mood-Maker enters the battlefield, initiating the effect of Psychic Terrain.

Psychic Terrain is a battlefield condition that has several significant effects: 1. Boosts Psychic-type Moves: Psychic-type moves receive a 50% power boost. 2. Prevents Priority Moves: It nullifies the effects of priority moves, making it impossible for moves with increased priority to strike first, regardless of the user’s speed. 3. Ground-based Status Immunity: Grants immunity to certain status conditions and moves targeting grounded Pokémon, such as Spikes and Toxic Spikes.

Here are some additional interesting facts about Mood-Maker: - Strategic Usage: Mood-Maker can be an essential part of a strategy, effectively neutralizing opponents that rely heavily on priority moves like Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, or Bullet


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Mood-Maker ability
