
Minds-Eye is an ability in the Pokémon series that primarily enhances a Pokémon's accuracy. This ability ensures that the Pokémon's moves will never miss their target, even if the moves typically have a chance to miss or if the opponent uses evasive maneuvers like Double Team or Minimize.

Effects: 1. Prevents moves from missing: Under normal circumstances, moves have a chance to miss their target based on their accuracy and the target's evasion stat. However, with Minds-Eye, every move will hit its target 100% of the time, effectively ignoring accuracy and evasion modifiers. 2. Nullifies evasion-boosting moves: Moves that increase the opponent’s evasion, such as Sand Attack, Mud-Slap, or the aforementioned Double Team and Minimize, become ineffective against a Pokémon with Minds-Eye.

Interesting Facts: 1. Strategic Advantage: Minds-Eye can turn the tide in battles where accuracy-reducing moves or


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Minds-Eye ability


10272 - Ground, Normal