
Jagged-Edge is an ability that makes contact-based attacks from the opposing Pokémon incur additional damage. Specifically, when an opponent uses a move that makes direct contact with the Pokémon having the Jagged-Edge ability, they receive damage as a form of recoil, much like the effect of the move Rocky Helmet. This additional damage is typically calculated as a percentage of the attacker's maximum HP, effectively punishing physical attackers who rely on close-contact moves.


  1. Recoil Damage: When a Pokémon with Jagged-Edge is hit by a contact move, the attacker takes residual damage. This often dissuades opponents from repetitively using contact moves, creating a strategic advantage.
  2. Synergy with Defensive Builds: Pokémon with high defenses and the Jagged-Edge ability can become formidable walls in battle, as they can passively chip away at the health of persistent attackers.
  3. Competitive Utility: This ability can change the dynamics of a


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Jagged-Edge ability
