
Imposter is a unique ability in the Pokémon series primarily associated with the Pokémon Ditto. When a Pokémon with the Imposter ability enters battle, it immediately transforms into its opponent. This transformation mimics the opponent's appearance, typing, stats (excluding HP), moves, and even status conditions. The transformation occurs automatically without requiring the use of the move Transform, allowing Ditto to engage as an effective counter or mimic without spending a turn.

Effects of Imposter: 1. Instant Transformation: Upon switching in, Ditto will instantly transform into its opponent, which can surprise foes and immediately put Ditto into a competitive stance. 2. Move Set Copying: Ditto copies the opponent's move set, allowing it to utilize the same strategies and attacks. 3. Stat Mimicry: All stats (except for HP) of the opponent are copied by Ditto, meaning its effectiveness in battle is generally equal to the opponent's. 4. **


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Imposter ability


132 - Normal