
Ice-Face is a unique Ability that is exclusive to the Pokémon Eiscue, introduced in Generation VIII of the Pokémon series. This Ability provides Eiscue with a strategic advantage in battles by offering both defensive and offensive benefits, contingent on the weather conditions, specifically hail, and physical attacks.


  • Ice Face Form: When Eiscue enters battle, it is initially in its Ice Face Form. In this form, Eiscue has an ice block covering its head, which acts as a protective shield. This ice block is especially noteworthy because it absorbs the first physical attack that would hit Eiscue, taking no damage from the move and preventing any negative effects that might come from it, such as status changes.

  • Exception: The absorbed physical attack can be any physical move, as long as the Pokémon does not already damage the Eiscue beyond its Ice Face shield.

  • Noice Face Form: After the ice block has been


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Ice-Face ability


875 - Ice


10185 - Ice