
Hunger-Switch is a unique Ability exclusive to the Pokémon Morpeko. This Ability is notable due to its dynamic nature, allowing Morpeko to alternate between its Full Belly Mode and Hangry Mode at the end of each turn.

In its Full Belly Mode, Morpeko sports a cheerful appearance and its signature move, Aura Wheel, becomes an Electric-type attack. Conversely, when Morpeko transitions to Hangry Mode, it adopts a more aggressive demeanor, and Aura Wheel shifts to a Dark-type attack. This transformation not only affects the typing of Aura Wheel but also reflects Morpeko's changing emotional state, providing strategic depth during battles.

Noteworthy aspects of Hunger-Switch include: 1. Strategic Flexibility: The Ability allows Morpeko to be unpredictable, giving it an edge in battles by continuously switching attack types, which can disrupt opponents' strategies. 2. Visual Representation: The mode change is visually represented in-game by Morpeko


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Hunger-Switch ability


877 - Electric, Dark


10187 - Electric, Dark