
High-Rise is a unique ability that allows the Pokémon to negate any damage and effects from Ground-type moves. This grants the Pokémon complete immunity to Ground-type attacks, making it an invaluable trait for species that are naturally vulnerable to these moves, such as those with Electric-type, Fire-type, Rock-type, and Steel-type combinations.

Effects: - Immunity to Ground-type Moves: Pokémon with High-Rise will not take any damage from Ground-type moves. This can protect them from powerful attacks like Earthquake, Earth Power, and Dig. - Strategic Advantage: This ability not only gives these Pokémon a significant edge in battle but also encourages opponents to rethink their strategy, knowing that their Ground-type moves will be ineffective.

Interesting Facts: - High-Rise is often considered an enhanced version of the Levitate ability, with potentially additional perks or wider applications, though the specific differences might vary depending on the game's context. - Pokémon with High-Rise can be extremely


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the High-Rise ability
