Harvest is an ability in the Pokémon series that primarily revolves around the utilization of berries. The core effect of Harvest is that it has a 50% chance to regenerate a consumed berry at the end of each turn, provided that the weather condition is not harsh. In sunny weather, this chance increases to 100%, making it a highly reliable ability in sun-based teams.
Here are some additional details and interesting facts about Harvest:
Introduced Generation: Harvest was first introduced in Generation V (Pokémon Black and White).
User Base: Some notable Pokémon that can have the Harvest ability include Exeggutor, Tropius, Alolan Exeggutor, and Trevenant. These Pokémon often benefit from holding berries like Sitrus Berry, which can restore health, or Lum Berry, which can cure status conditions.
Strategic Importance: In competitive play, Harvest can be particularly potent in prolonging the survivability of a Pokémon. When