
Flame-Boost is an fictional ability that enhances a Pokémon's power when exposed to fire or heated environments. When a Pokémon with Flame-Boost is hit by a Fire-type move or starts its turn in harsh sunlight, its Attack and Special Attack stats are temporarily increased by 50%. Unlike other abilities that provide a permanent stat boost, Flame-Boost's effects last for a limited duration, typically 3 to 5 turns, making strategic timing crucial for maximizing its benefits.

Interesting Facts: 1. Synergy with Moves and Conditions: Flame-Boost works exceptionally well in double battles where allies can use moves like Heat Wave or Sunny Day to activate the boost intentionally. 2. Overheating Drawback: Pokémon with Flame-Boost must also be cautious as prolonged exposure to intense heat can lead them to become burned, negating the stat boost with the burn's attack reduction unless they possess abilities or items that counteract burns, like Guts or a Burn Heal.


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Flame-Boost ability
