
Earth-Eater is a distinctive ability that has notable defensive and restorative properties for the Pokémon that possess it. The primary effect of Earth-Eater is to provide immunity to Ground-type moves, which otherwise would inflict damage to the Pokémon. When a Pokémon with this ability is targeted by a Ground-type move, instead of taking damage, the Pokémon will regain health, thereby converting what would be a potential threat into a beneficial healing opportunity.

This ability is especially advantageous for Pokémon that are typically vulnerable to Ground-type attacks, enhancing their longevity in battles by mitigating a common type-based weakness while simultaneously offering a healing mechanism. This dual functionality makes Earth-Eater a strategic component in battles, as it can sustainably maintain the Pokémon's HP and often disrupt an opponent's offensive strategy.

Interestingly, Earth-Eater also has implications for team composition and battle tactics. It can influence the opponent to avoid using Ground-type moves, leading to more predictable battle strategies that can be exploited. Additionally, it can synergize well


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Earth-Eater ability


968 - Steel