
Dodge is an ability in certain games and media that enhances a character's evasive capabilities, allowing them to avoid attacks more effectively. While the specifics of the ability can vary between different franchises and contexts, the core effect typically involves increasing the likelihood of evading enemy attacks, whether they be physical strikes, projectiles, or spells.

Effects: 1. Increased Evasion Rate: Characters with the Dodge ability have a higher chance of avoiding incoming attacks. This can be quantified by a percentage increase in evasion or a flat rate bonus that stacks with other evasive stats or abilities. 2. Temporary Invulnerability: In some games, Dodge might grant brief periods of invulnerability where the character cannot be hit by attacks. This often occurs during a dodge animation. 3. Combat Strategy: Dodge enhances the defensive options available to players, making it a valuable ability for characters that are built around agility, speed, and elusiveness rather than raw defensive stats like HP or


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Dodge ability
