
Deep-Sleep is an ability unique to certain Pokémon in various Pokémon media. This ability enhances the benefits Pokémon receive from the sleep status condition.


  1. Enhanced Healing: Pokémon with the Deep-Sleep ability recover more HP each turn when they are asleep than they normally would. Typically, this could mean HP recovery rates are doubled or even tripled as per different game rules or mechanics.

  2. Status Boosts: While asleep, Pokémon with Deep-Sleep may receive boosts to certain stats, such as Special Defense or Speed, effectively turning the sleep condition into a strategic advantage.

  3. Prevent Status Clash: Pokémon with Deep-Sleep may prevent other status conditions (like Paralysis or Burn) from being applied while asleep, maintaining the focus on the benefits derived from sleeping.

Other Interesting Facts

  1. Strategic Use: Trainers may use moves like Rest (which induces sleep) more liberally with Pokémon possessing Deep-Sleep. This


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Deep-Sleep ability
