
Dazzling is an ability introduced in the seventh generation of Pokémon games. This ability is possessed by certain Pokémon such as Bruxish. The primary effect of Dazzling is that it prevents priority moves from being used against the Pokémon with this ability. This means that any move that normally has increased priority, such as Quick Attack, Extreme Speed, or Bullet Punch, will fail when targeted at a Pokémon with Dazzling.

This ability is particularly useful in competitive play to interrupt strategies that rely heavily on priority moves to outspeed and eliminate threats before they can act. By blocking these moves, Dazzling allows Pokémon to maintain their momentum and potentially turn the tide in battle.

An interesting fact about the ability is its thematic fit; the name "Dazzling" suggests a sense of blinding or distracting opponents, which stylishly explains why foes can't properly execute their priority moves. Additionally, this power ties into Bruxish’s vibrant and somewhat garish appearance.

Dazzling also works


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Dazzling ability


779 - Water, Psychic