Commander is a unique ability introduced in Generation IX of the Pokémon series. It is exclusive to the Pokémon Tatsugiri. This ability triggers an interesting and somewhat complex in-game effect wherein Tatsugiri plays a supporting role to another Pokémon, Dondozo, during double battles.
When a battle starts and Tatsugiri is paired on the same side as Dondozo, Commander activates automatically. Tatsugiri will "command" Dondozo by taking a unique action: it jumps into Dondozo’s mouth. This not only synergizes with Dondozo's overarching design but also has several important mechanical effects: - Stat Boosts: Dondozo receives substantial boosts to all its stats when Tatsugiri uses Commander. This allows Dondozo to become significantly more powerful in battle, often changing the tide of the encounter. - Single Battle Mode: Once Tatsugiri enters Dondozo’s mouth, it doesn’t stay on the field in