
Climber is a unique ability that allows Pokémon to navigate vertical obstacles and rough terrain with ease. While this ability is not tied to any specific Pokémon species commonly found in the mainline Pokémon games, it may appear in various spin-off titles or fan-created content.

Effects of Climber: 1. Terrain Navigation: Pokémon with the Climber ability can traverse steep cliffs, walls, and other vertical surfaces that would typically be inaccessible to others. This makes it a valuable trait for exploration and reaching hidden areas. 2. Battle Advantage: Although Climber doesn't directly affect battle mechanics like many other abilities, it can indirectly provide advantages. For instance, in some settings, being able to position a Pokémon in higher, more advantageous locations can provide strategic benefits. 3. Environmental Interactions: Climber may also allow Pokémon to interact with environmental objects differently. For example, they might be able to reach high-hanging fruits or hidden items that would otherwise be out of reach.



Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Climber ability
