
Bodyguard is a defensive ability featured in various games and narratives where protection and support play key roles. While its specifics can vary depending on the context, the central theme of Bodyguard generally involves protecting another character or entity from harm. For instance, in certain role-playing games or strategies, a character with the Bodyguard ability may take hits intended for another character, effectively acting as a shield to absorb damage or prevent critical impacts from reaching their charge.

Effects: 1. Damage Mitigation: The primary effect of Bodyguard abilities is to mitigate or entirely prevent damage that would be dealt to another character. This ensures the continued safety and functionality of crucial team members, particularly those with lower defense stats or critical roles.

  1. Taunt Mechanism: In some contexts, Bodyguards may also possess a taunt feature that forces enemies to target them instead of their allies, diverting potential threats and focusing on themselves.

  2. Temporary Buffs: Certain versions of the


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Bodyguard ability
