
Black-Hole is an ability that is generally found in specific Pokémon or utilized in certain event battles and special moves. This ability is known for its highly unique and impactful effects in the game.


  1. Damage Mitigation: Black-Hole absorbs certain types of attacks, often reducing or nullifying the damage from specific move categories. This can provide a strategic advantage in battles, allowing the Pokémon with this ability to endure longer against particular threats.

  2. Healing Factor: Some iterations of the Black-Hole ability allow the Pokémon to convert absorbed attacks into healing energy. This can significantly extend the Pokémon's longevity in a fight, making it a formidable opponent.

  3. Stat Alteration: Upon activation, Black-Hole might trigger changes in the Pokémon’s stats. For instance, it could potentially increase the Pokémon's attack or defense, adding another layer of complexity and strategy to its use.

  4. Field Effect: In some cases,


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Black-Hole ability
