
Bad Dreams is an ability uniquely possessed by the mythical Pokémon Darkrai. This ability has a sinister and compelling effect: it deducts a portion of the opponent’s HP each turn if it is asleep. Specifically, it causes all sleeping opponents to lose 1/8 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn. This automatic damage parallels a continuous and passive assault on foes who are not only incapacitated by sleep but also steadily losing health.

Interesting facts about Bad Dreams:

  1. Debut and Distribution: Bad Dreams was introduced in the 4th generation of Pokémon games, specifically with Darkrai’s release. Darkrai remains the sole Pokémon known to have this ability naturally.

  2. Strategic Usefulness: The ability pairs exceptionally well with moves that induce sleep such as Dark Void, which is exclusive to Darkrai and can put multiple opponents to sleep in doubles battles.

  3. Synergizes with Common Moves: Sleep-inducing moves like


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Bad-Dreams ability


491 - Dark