
Aura Break is an ability in the Pokémon series that specifically interacts with other abilities related to aura. It is most prominently associated with the legendary Pokémon Zygarde. The primary function of Aura Break is to reverse the effects of the abilities Fairy Aura and Dark Aura. Normally, Fairy Aura increases the power of Fairy-type moves, and Dark Aura increases the power of Dark-type moves, each by 33%. However, when Aura Break is active, it transforms this increase into a 25% reduction, effectively weakening the power of Fairy-type and Dark-type moves rather than boosting them.

Effects: 1. Reduces MOVE Power: While Fairy Aura and Dark Aura typically boost their respective type moves by 33%, Aura Break instead causes these moves to deal 25% less damage. 2. Strategic Use: Aura Break is particularly useful in battles involving Pokémon that rely on Fairy-type or Dark-type moves, providing a strategic advantage by lowering the damage output of


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Aura-Break ability


718 - Dragon, Ground


10181 - Dragon, Ground