
As One (Spectrier) is a unique ability possessed by the fusion of Calyrex and Spectrier in the Pokémon series. This fusion is achieved through the use of the "Reins of Unity" item, resulting in a form known as Shadow Rider Calyrex.

Key effects of the As One (Spectrier) ability include:

  1. Combination of Abilities: As One (Spectrier) effectively combines the abilities of Calyrex and Spectrier. Specifically, it merges Calyrex's Unnerve ability and Spectrier's Grim Neigh ability.

  2. Unnerve Effect: This aspect of the ability prevents opposing Pokémon from consuming their held Berries during battle. This can disrupt strategies that rely on Berry consumption for recovery or status healing.

  3. Grim Neigh Effect: Every time Shadow Rider Calyrex knocks out an opponent, its Special Attack stat is boosted by one stage. This effect makes


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the As-One-Spectrier ability


10194 - Psychic, Ghost