
Supreme-Overlord is an ability introduced in the Pokémon franchise. This ability significantly enhances the power of the Pokémon that possesses it in a strategic manner tied to the status of its team. Specifically, Supreme-Overlord increases the user's Attack or Special Attack for each fainted ally Pokémon.


  1. Power Boost: The ability grants a boost to either Attack or Special Attack stats, enhancing the user's offensive capabilities. The boost is proportional to the number of Pokémon that have fainted on the user's team.
  2. Strategic Depth: This ability adds a layer of strategy, as players might tactically plan to utilize Supreme-Overlord in the later stages of a battle when several team members have already fainted, maximizing the power boost.

Interesting Facts:

  • Late-Game Sweeper: Due to the nature of the boost, Supreme-Overlord is particularly useful for Pokémon that are used as "sweepers" – Pokémon that come in


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Supreme-Overlord ability


983 - Dark, Steel