
Chilling Neigh is an ability in the Pokémon series predominantly associated with Glastrier, an Ice-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VIII. When a Pokémon with Chilling Neigh knocks out an opponent, its Attack stat is raised by one stage. This makes Chilling Neigh a potentially game-changing ability, especially in battles where the user can consecutively KO multiple opponents, thus significantly boosting its physical attack power.

Effects: - Attack Boost: Each time a Pokémon with Chilling Neigh causes another Pokémon to faint, it receives a +1 stage increase in its Attack stat. This can quickly turn a strong physical attacker into an overwhelming force on the battlefield. - Strategic Use: Trainers might pair Chilling Neigh with moves or strategies that increase the likelihood of knocking out opponents, thereby maximizing the ability's potential.

Interesting Facts: - Exclusive Use: As of the latest updates, Chilling Neigh is exclusive to Glastrier,


Flavor Texts

Pokémon with the Chilling-Neigh ability


896 - Ice